~October's Monster Mash Blogfest

Yay! It’s October – my favorite month of the year!

This is the time of year when the veil between the worlds thins and the monsters get to come out and play. TV shows, like the CSI episode I watched last night, are filled with vampires and werewolves. Commercials with children (and adults!) wearing costumes remind us that Halloween will soon be upon us. Specialty stores throw open their doors to help humans and their houses transform into scary creatures and spooky lairs.

Ghosts, goblins, vampires, werewolves, things that go bump in the night – send chills through movie watchers and story readers. And we love our supernatural creatures – creatures that break the laws of nature and man and wreak havoc upon the human world. They provide an outlet for the inner beast that’s tired of society’s restraints and seeks to burst those bonds by its very existence.

So in celebration of the monster that lurks within us all, come join us in:

Since monsters don’t typically follow the rules, I only offer a few guidelines:

1) The story has to contain at least one supernatural creature. Even better, since this IS a Monster Mash (remember the song?), it should have more than one kind.

2) Keep it to 999 words or less, if possible. If you go a few over, I promise not to haunt you. However, bear in mind I have no control over the poltergeists!

3) Blogfest entry deadline is Saturday, October 23. And since I usually celebrate Halloween the entire previous week by attending as many costume parties as I can, you have a whole week to get your story posted and make comments on the other entries.

That’s it. Pretty simple.

Sign up by October 23. Monster Mash ends on Halloween.

Loose the hounds of hell, give wing to leathery masters of the nightsky, throw open the graveyard gates, and show us your sharpest fang and claw.

Here’s a little something to help you get into the mood:

20 thoughts on “~October's Monster Mash Blogfest

  1. Well, I only just saw this, and I’d totally join, but I guess I missed the boat! However, I’ll take a look through these…and if you want to see a related entry, one which I wrote for Mia’s Very Merry Halloweeny blogfest actually fits the rules, so…feel free to stop on by? 🙂

    Happy Halloween!

  2. Okay I am jumping in on the deep end of the pool. This will be my first blogfest. But I have a soft spot in my heart or is it my head for monsters.

    1. JC – I know what you mean. I’ve become a little reluctant to make commitments lately due to unforeseen demands on my time. I’m worried about having something for my own blogfest!

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